Clinical & Practice Managment

Integrated ecosystem meeting Healthcare needs of everyone, anywhere

Our client is one of the leading technology providers empowering digital transformation in health care space putting doctors and patients as center of business to derive out innovation in a vision to create and sustain an integrated ecosystem of hospital, pharmacy, lab & patient meeting Healthcare needs of everyone, anywhere.

An integrated eco-system of hospital, pharmacy, lab & patient creating a centralized common system of health records with derived intelligence and predictive capabilities in diagnosis. This solution was envisioned to help doctors to practice not just faster but with a wholistic picture of the patient's integrated health record. It also extended itself to support clinical practice and treatment choice through seamless collaboration with e-prescriptions and in-built predictive algorithms.

As a digital transformation specialist, MX Techies came in as a technology partner spear heading the solution to be mobile based driven by customer as the heart, data as the driver and our AI platform as the core supporting engine driving experience.

Single point of access for doctors to integrated health record of patient in cross reference to their family.

Through the mobile platform the patient has access to a quick chat-based analysis of their symptoms which solves or quickly enables them to find the best fit doctor across hospitals to consult. The platform seamlessly integrates the lab reports to facilitate doctor prescriptions and prompt follow-ups. Personalization for doctors was introduced through re-collection of prescribed brands for similar symptoms.

TIt also brings family references in the system for enhancing deep diagnosis like genetic based, societal.

Intelligent prescription with comprehensive treatment and diagnosis through dictate and record notes

Doctors could prescribe e-prescriptions which enabled print only what you desire in the Prescription and have it changeable at discretion. This platform ensures doctors to stay ahead in their clinical practices with its in-built predictive proprietary algorithms powered by machine learning and AI tools for their practice preferences and treatment choices.

It also serves doctors as a digital stenograph through its dictate, record and translate the voice to text which enhances optimal use of time improving overall operational efficiency.

  • 25%

  • Savings on doctor's time in diagnosis & prescribing
  • 1hr

  • Delivery of medicines


  • Iset Up Testing Centre of Excellence
  • Agile/Scrum CI/CD DevOps
  • ech Stack; Angular, .Net, iOS: Swift 4, Android: Kotlin, MSSQL.